Dear members and friends of the Iraqi Christian Association in Wales
During these difficult times of Coronavirus epidemic and the associated lockdown and restrictions, we hope and pray that you and your families are well and safe.


The lockdown and associated restrictions have greatly limited our fundraising activities resulting in significant loss of income, at the same time the demand and need for financial support to our Christian communities in the Middle East, particularly north of Iraq and Lebanon has escalated due to the epidemic in general and the recent devastating explosion in Beirut which resulted in widespread homelessness among thousands of families including Christian Iraqi families who were repatriated there.


We are relying on your compassion and generosity to help us in supporting these families through your kind donations, as always, which would be greatly appreciated.


May God Bless you all and protect you from every evil.


Yours sincerely


To support this good cause and make a donation to ICAW, please use one of the following:


Online Bank Transfer


Name: Iraqi Christian Association in Wales (ICAW)

 HSBC Bank, Account number 31747533, Sort code 40-16-17

Cheque payable to ICAW and sent to the charity registered address
1 Roper close, Cardiff, CF5 2RD